Introducing: The first indoor worm-free composter made of ceramic.

Composting indoors? Yes!

COMPOT is an indoor composter that allows you to transform your bio waste into compost, on the spot, right where it’s created, by simply letting nature do its work. 

Natural, Worm-free, Electricity-free, Worry-free

Minimalist design inspired by Nature. With The Help Of Microorganisms Convert Your Organic Waste Without Odors Into Soil In Your Apartement. 


COMPOT is the first indoor worm-free composter made of ceramic. Suitable for indoors and outdoors. With the help of microorganisms convert your organic waste odorless into soil in your apartement.made from natural clay, making it an eco-friendly alternative to plastic-based composter. 

Material: Porosous fired clay

Height: 47cm

Diameter: ø 35cm

Weight: ca.15kg (unfilled, 5 composter part together)

Capacity: 0.5 – 1.2kg/week 1-2 liter/week

Not frost-proof.

Why Compot?

Odorless and natural

COMPOT is made of a breathable material: clay. Thanks to that, enough oxygen gets into the composter to make the process 3 times faster than regular composting, and also makes it odorless. With a little care, you can create an ideal composting environment in COMPOT that gives off the scent of a forest floor in your apartment.

Easy to use

COMPOT use a low-maintenance, natural process with no need for complicated setup or ongoing attention. Simply let the composting process take place.

Must have for a
zero waste kitchen

1/3 of our kitchen waste is biodegradable and big part of that one can be composted in COMPOT. So if you want to have a Zero Waste lifestyle you can start with composting. Also it's sleek minimal design that you'll be proud to have in your home.

No electricity, no worms or additives needed

COMPOT uses a microbial material mix and the power of natural clay. It requires no electricity. All you need to do is "feed" your kitchen green waste once a week into the composter and add water and the microbial mix.

You can use it all-year-long

You can fill each COMPOT pot with 12 liters of bio-waste and it will decompose three times faster than it would via conventional composting. This means that within 3-4 months, you'll have nutrient-rich compost ready to use on your houseplants. Say goodbye to smelly waste bins and hello to composting made easy with COMPOT.

Inspired by nature

COMPOT is made from all-natural clay, making it an eco-friendly alternative to plastic-based composters. Clay allows the pot to "breathe" and eliminates odors in this natural way. COMPOT uses a microbial mix for decomposition which happens similarly in nature.

COMPOT how to use?

Step by step compot

Precollect your kitchen biowaste

Precollect separetaly your biowaste from your kitchen

Put it into your COMPOT

Put your weekly 1-2 liter of precollected biowaste into the composter.

ADD compot activator, water and stir

Add your COMPOT microbial activator mix and water to the COMPOT and put back the lid. 

Harvest crumbly ready
compost in 3-4months

The finished compost is dark brown, crumbly, and parts of the starting waste are not recognizable in it. By sifting, we remove our finished compost from even larger pieces. It is good to use our compost as soon as possible, as it is a material full of microorganisms.

We can also do a germination test with it if we are not sure if it is ready. test: sprinkle sporoutable seeds that are easily germinating on top of the compost, water and the seeds should germinate from our compost within 3-4 days.

Why to Compost?

34% of mixed municipal waste is organic waste, which is a huge problem. For example, in the EU, 54 million tonnes of food is wasted each year. It is estimated that this represents 6% of total global CO2 emissions.

Almost 55% of this food waste is generated by us consumers, and comes from households, which is really concerning.

Luckily, we have a solution: composting. When organic waste is collected properly, it can be turned into a resource. As such, food waste and other organic materials can be properly recycled.

In COMPOT, your chopped kitchen green waste goes through all the stages of decomposition by microorganisms. With the help of the COMPOT composter activator mix and some water, you activate the composting process. The activator contains everything you need for composting without worms. There is a microbial mix, some good quality dry material for absorbing the leachate from your bio waste, and volcanic stones for absorbing smells and creating an optimal environment for natural composting. 

COMPOT composting is 3 times faster than conventional composting because the clay walls of COMPOT help to aerate the mixture. After 2-3 months you can harvest fine, crumbly, nutrient-rich soil, which is a real joy. And even more so afterwards, when your indoor or balcony garden is bursting with health and fruits.

See our what has our satisfied
customers have to say..

"COMPOT is a living ecosystem - it needs a little care and attention and it will give you black gold!"


Compot user

Have a question?

Some answers for frequently asked questions. Learn more in the full FAQ section. 

Forest floor = Compost factory in your flat. Most people think the process of composting stinks, but that’s a misconception. Composting is decay, which happens continuously in the forest floor. During composting, organic matter is broken down into minerals by microorganisms and other living organisms in the presence of oxygen. Some of them are converted into humic substances. The end product of the process is the finished compost. COMPOT brings this natural process to your kitchen. Aerobic composting clay pot (e.g. COMPOT): Clay COMPOT pots are porous, so they breathe, cool and deodorize to provide optimal conditions for composting. 

YES! COMPOT clay enables the oxigen to enter into COMPOT and in this way your bio-waste will be properly areted and there will be no smell. 

Also in our activator mix there is a mineral mix from vulcanic stones that absorbes bad smells.  

All green kitchen waste can be composted in COMPOT like e.g. used coffee, tea, vegetable and fruit feels, ends, leftovers, egshells, old potting soil – to give it another life!

It makes our indoor composter work. It is a mixture that allows you to maintain the optimal conditions for your compost in your indoor clay composter. Its main ingredients are high-carbon dry matter, which maintains the carbon / nitrogen balance, a clay mineral that helps with deodorization and moisture absorption, and a microbiological preparation that activates the compost, which speeds up the composting process with the help of the microorganisms it contains. It is a mixture to maintain optimal conditions for your compost in your indoor aerobic ceramic composter.
It’s key ingredients are: high dry matter – coconut coir- to maintain a carbon/nitrogen balance; mixture of volcanic rock powder to help deodorise and recharge mineral content; and dry beneficial micro-organisms to help break down your decomposing kitchen waste and speed up the composting process. The contents of this bag contain enough for filling with biowaste 1 Compot pot, which will make about 8 litres of mature compost and will be enough for 2 months. USAGE: At the time of each feeding biowasyte, also put at least one handful of compost activator on top of the biowaste to cover the decomposing waste. Water it  to keep the materials dump to be composted in the pot as the forest floor is working.

The finished compost is dark brown, crumbly, and parts of the starting waste are not recognizable in it. By sifting, we remove our finished compost from even larger pieces. It is good to use our compost as soon as possible, as it is a material full of microorganisms. If not used immediately, store in a dark bag, moist. We can also do a germination test with it if we are not sure if it is ready. test: sprinkle sporoutable seeds that are easily germinating on top of the compost, water and the seeds should germinate from our compost within 3-4 days.

Yes! with 15 years of experinece in indoor composting our small team tried all the composting methods and our mission was to have the easiest natural composting method that needs just 10 minutes and your bio-waste every week. 

We do like composting worms, but we understand that it is not for everyone and also not everyone has access to bury their fermented bokashi bio-waste in a garden. 

In COMPOT there is no worms, no electricity and no garden needed. We provide you with everything for you first 6 months.

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